What's the weather like in Nehalem, Oregon?

We get a lot of questions about the weather in Nehalem and on the north Oregon Coast.

Does it get hot in Nehalem?
Does it rain a lot in Nehalem?
How hot is it in Nehalem in the summer?
How cold is it in Nehalem in the winter?
Does it ever snow in Nehalem?

Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about the weather in Nehalem:

Summer (June to August):

Nehalem tends to have mild and pleasant summers. Average high temperatures during this period often range from the mid-60s to mid-70s Fahrenheit (around 18-25°C). Summers in this region are relatively dry, with low humidity. Rainfall is less common during these months compared to the rest of the year. In fact, from July 1 through September, there are few rainy days. However, there are hot days. In the summer of 2023, Nehalem had a 98-degree day. That’s unusual, but it happens.

Summers on the Oregon Coast are cool and comfortable with temperatures in the 60’s and 70s.

Winter (December to February):

Winters in Nehalem are typically cool and wet. Average high temperatures range from the mid-40s to low 50s Fahrenheit (around 7-12°C). Rainfall is more frequent during the winter months, and the area occasionally experiences light snowfall, though it's not very common and usually doesn't accumulate significantly.

Keep in mind that these are general trends, and actual weather conditions can vary from year to year.

Snow on the Oregon Coast