How far is Lincoln City from Manzanita and Nehalem?

The distance between Lincoln City and Nehalem is approximately 70 miles, with an estimated driving time of around 90 minutes. Manzanita is just a couple miles further north from Nehalem.

Along the journey, travelers can revel in the natural beauty of Oregon's coastline, with its rugged cliffs, beautiful forests, and sweeping ocean views. Upon reaching Nehalem, visitors can explore the cute main street shops and Nehalem Bay State Park, known for its tranquil shores and abundant wildlife. Manzanita, a charming coastal town, offers pristine beaches perfect for relaxing strolls, as well as quaint shops and eateries to explore.

For those seeking adventure, outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, or simply soaking in the serene coastal atmosphere await at both destinations. Whether it's for a day trip or a weekend getaway, the journey from Lincoln City to Nehalem and Manzanita promises unforgettable experiences amidst Oregon's coastal wonders.