Does it get cold on the Oregon Coast in the summer?

Yes, summers on the Oregon Coast are typically cooler than the rest of the state and the rest of the country with summer temperatures ranging from the mid-50s to the mid- to upper-70s.

While summer typically conjures images of warm and balmy days, those venturing to the Oregon Coast in the summer might want to pack an extra layer.

Geographical Factors:

The Pacific Ocean's presence significantly shapes the weather along the Oregon Coast. The cold California Current flowing southward creates a maritime climate, keeping temperatures moderate. As a result, summer on the coast is characterized by cool and refreshing conditions.

Average Temperatures:

Summer temperatures on the Oregon Coast generally range from the 50s to the 70s Fahrenheit (around 10 to 25 degrees Celsius). Despite the sun gracing the coastal skies, the ocean breeze and foggy mornings contribute to the overall cool ambiance.

Monthly Averages:

June marks the commencement of summer, with temperatures gradually rising. July and August bring the warmest days, but evenings can still be cool. September sees a gentle cool-down as fall beckons. It's a weather pattern that invites layers and an appreciation for the coastal charm.

Town-Specific Insights:

Towns along the north Oregon Coast, such as Cannon Beach and Manzanita, share the coastal climate nuances. Cannon Beach, known for its iconic Haystack Rock, experiences summer temperatures hovering around the mid-60s Fahrenheit (15-20 degrees Celsius). Manzanita, with its pristine beaches, embraces the coastal coolness throughout the summer months. However, once you move further inland, even just a mile or two into the coastal mountain range, temperatures can increase quickly. It’s not unusual for temperatures to get into the 80s further inland.

While the Oregon Coast in the summer may not boast tropical temperatures, its unique climate provides a refreshing escape from scorching inland heat. Embracing the cool breezes, foggy mornings, and scenic beauty becomes an integral part of the coastal summer experience β€” a welcome divergence from traditional summer expectations of the rest of the U.S. So pack those layers and get ready to savor the cool allure of the Oregon Coast.